Inside the Kentucky Derby, America's greatest racing party

Kentucky Confidential

The Archives

April 30, 2012

Thundering Home

Gary Stevens was alone in Hong Kong and an ocean away; all the jocks he knew were thinking about their Derby horses.

Get Rid of “My Old Kentucky Home”

Plenty of state songs have tricky, hard-to-remember lyrics, but that’s why people generally aren’t asked to sing them in public, much less when there’s a good horse race to watch.

The Jockey Factor

Once you’re done with the speed figures, data angles and all the rest of the stuff handicappers throw into trying to figure out how to win at this game, you’re left with what your eyes show you.

Thomas on Horses: Introduction

The first thing that stands out about this year’s Kentucky Derby is depth. From a herd dynamic and emotional conformation standpoint, there are at least eight high-level horses in the 2012 field.

Profile: El Padrino

El Padrino doesn’t make space with his presence, but you can tell the other horses feel him.